Appointment to the COEC
The COEC consists of five members who are state officials appointed by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.
One candidate for member of the COEC is proposed by each of these subjects:
- the President of the Republic of Lithuania
- the Speaker of the Seimas
- the Prime Minister
- the Lithuanian Lawyers’ Association
- the National Council of Non-Governmental Organisations
The Seimas appoints a member of the COEC by secret ballot. The Seimas, on the advice of the Speaker, appoints Chairperson of the COEC from the members of the Commission. Deputy Chairperson is appointed from among the members of the COEC and removed from the position by it on a proposal of the Chairperson of the COEC.
The term of office of a member of the COEC is 5 years. The same person cannot be a member of the COEC for more than two terms of office in succession.
Before serving on the COEC, a person who has been appointed as a member, takes an oath to the State of Lithuania.
The key principles on which the COEC operates
- While performing its duties and taking decisions, the COEC is independent and acts within the powers set forth in the law.
- State politicians, state officials, political parties, civil servants, associations, other legal or natural persons are prohibited from interfering in the activities of the COEC.
- The Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson and members of the COEC as well as employees of the Secretariat are independent in fulfilment of their duties.
- The Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson and the members of the COEC may not be members of political parties, participate in activities thereof or otherwise violate the principle of political neutrality.
- The COEC considers the issues falling within its powers and takes decisions at its meetings. Attendance at the meetings is binding upon the members of the COEC. The meetings of the COEC are public. Persons are entitled to be present at the meetings of the COEC and express their opinion.
- The Seimas exercises parliamentary scrutiny of activities of the COEC.